Token Wisdom ✨ 33rd Edition

Internet Archive Fires Shots Back, Idea of Moral AI, Sony is Deep in Fakes, MIT Game Lab is Serious About Play, Take the Quantum Plunge, Bad Tech's AI Band-Aid, Google's Mixtape of Learning, Artificial Gospel, Image-to-Video Tomfoolery, Spotify Made Genres Irrelevant to Fans, I Want My RunwayML TV, and Apple's Silicon Sorcery

Keeping up in this new generative mega-multi-meta-DAO-verse makes it hard to quantum all that spatial neural netting. You down with GPT? Ya, you know me. That's why I package up a small part of the internet that catches my eye, percolates my thoughts, stirs my mind and share it with you from time to time.

.::\ Week 48 /::.

Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Welcome to Token Wisdom, your one-stop-shop for all things tech and beyond. In this 33rd Edition, we're going to explore a range of intriguing topics that are shaping the future as we know it.

I like big brains and I cannot lie.

Message from the Management

If you’re not subscribed, you’ll see at the end of each article SOMETHING TO PONDER 🧐 section with redacted text. Subscribe to view the full-length and un-redacted version. I leave one example in an article so you can see what value add is provided by a jaded pioneering technologist seeing problems in search of a solution and venture capital.

Token Wisdom, Baked Fresh Daily

A curated collection of consumed knowledge

🔮 November 26th-December 1st 2023 🔮

—33rd Edition —

“Echoes of Tomorrow: The Tale of AI and the Legacy of Knowledge”


The ██████████ between ██████ and █████ is finally clear.
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“Moral Code Conundrum: When A.I. Inherits Human Values“


For ██████ insights, ██████ █████ to view.
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“Voice Wars: The Fight to Preserve Authenticity in the Age of AI Impersonation”


The research is eye-opening, ██████, and ██████.
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“Pixels and Paradigms: The Visionary Quest of the MIT Game Lab”


Another ██████ approach to ██████ █████, solved.
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“Quantum Voyages: Unfolding the Fabric of Tomorrow“


Absolutely ██████ and █████ approach to █████████.
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Subscription Content Below

“Through the Cluttered Glass: The Tech Labyrinth's Illusion of Choice”


Navigating today's tech interfaces is like being in an episode of "The Twilight Zone" where you've been transported back to a video rental store from the '90s. You walk in, expecting to quickly grab a copy of your favorite classic, like "Back to the Future," but instead, you find the shelves are a jumbled mess of VHS tapes, DVDs, and Blu-rays, with titles ranging from blockbuster hits to obscure B-movies you've never heard of.

The store clerk, instead of helping you sort through the chaos, hands you a pair of futuristic glasses and says, "These will find your movie for you." You put them on, and suddenly, the titles start to rearrange themselves, but not quite in the way you'd expect. The glasses highlight the new releases, the store's special picks, and a random assortment of films that vaguely match your interests based on the last few movies you rented.

Your simple task has now become a treasure hunt where you're sifting through the recommendations of an overzealous algorithm that's more interested in showing you what it thinks you should watch rather than the movie you actually came in for. The nostalgia of flipping through cases and reading the back covers is lost in a digital shuffle that's supposed to be helpful but ends up making you long for the straightforwardness of the old card catalog system.

“The Symphony of Synapses: Harmonizing the Past and the Present“


Opposites ████, but with ██████ prepared ███ to █████.
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“Silicon Sermons: The Gospel According to AI“


The art ██ █████ in ██ ███ of ████ the ██ many, █████ here.
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“Dynamic Canvas: Unleashing Motion from Stillness with Cutting-Edge Animation Technology“


Well, another ███ for the ███ ones. ███ ███ ████ innovation.
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“Harmony in the Chaos: The Infinite Playlist of the Soul“


This ██████ ███ countless, ██ █████ amazing!
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Solid Soft Warez

"The Enchanted Odyssey: Through the Crystal's Veil"

An endless compilation of short films crafted by a diverse group of filmmakers, encompassing a variety of genres and themes. From suspenseful tales to fantastical adventures, and from thought-provoking narratives to visually stunning cinematography, these short films offer a captivating and immersive viewing experience. With each film showcasing the unique talents and creativity of the filmmakers involved, this collection aims to entertain and engage audiences with its diverse selection of stories and styles.


Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent

"Silicon Sorcery: Conjuring the Future in Apple's Enchanted Chip Labs"

Picture the universe as the ultimate season of your favorite TV show, where every episode is meticulously crafted with easter eggs and foreshadowing that only the most attentive fans can spot. It's like in 'The Truman Show,' where Truman starts to see the patterns and repetitions in his seemingly random daily life, hinting at the grand design of his world.

Our lives are like that, filled with synchronicities - those meaningful coincidences that seem too perfect to be mere chance, just like when you rewatch 'Back to the Future' and catch all the clever hints about what's going to happen that you missed the first time. These moments are like hidden tracks on a classic vinyl record; they've always been there, but only when we truly listen do we discover the deeper melodies at play.

Token Wisdom

As we reach the conclusion of today's digital expedition on Token Wisdom, we've traversed the vast and varied landscapes that technology has unfurled before us. From the halls of ancient knowledge, echoed in the modern debates of AI and copyright, to the ethical quandaries that challenge the very fabric of moral computation, we stand at the crossroads of a new era.

Insightfully, it's clear that as we march forward, the harmonious integration of AI into our society is not just a possibility but an inevitability. Like the masterful strokes of a painter's brush, AI has the potential to enhance the canvas of our lives, adding depth, color, and texture to a picture that was once only binary.

However, let us not be blinded by the luminous glow of progress. Clever as we are, we must recognize the shadows that dance just out of sight. With every leap in technology, there's a potential fall into the chasm of misuse. Deepfakes, for instance, challenge our grasp on reality, and while quantum computing promises computational nirvana, it also whispers of cryptographical upheaval.

The counter-argument stands tall, reminding us that innovation without consideration is a ship without a rudder, aimlessly adrift. It's not enough to create; we must also cultivate a sense of stewardship over the tools and toys we bring forth from the ether of imagination.

And so, as we wrap up this episode, let us leave you with a piece of Token Wisdom:

"Innovation is the child of curiosity and necessity, but wisdom is its guiding star."

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, let us do so with a mindful eye towards the legacy we leave behind.

Remember, the future is not just a destination—it's a creation. The choices we make today are the building blocks of the world to come. So, let's build wisely, with hearts and minds in unison, for a tomorrow that's not just brighter, but also kinder and more thoughtful.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through our collective Token Wisdom. Until next time, keep your compass true and your curiosity boundless.

🌶 k.

⚉ Thanks for cruising by the Cult of Innovation ⚉

We’re making some Stone Soup here and if you enjoyed this amuse-bouche of news compilation in bite-sized morsels, please share with your friends and help feed a community. Mmmm. #nomnom.

Token Wisdom :: @worthafortune



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